Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Banana is the most valuable, healthy, and refreshing food. Apart from its great taste and richness in fiber, banana is a very popular healthy snack for fitness oriented athletes.
It is because it is sodium-free, fat-free, and cholesterol-free fruit that contains high-grade protein with essential amino acids sucrose, glucose, fructose, and potassium to boost energy.
Proponents of the Banana Diet say that it is possible to lose weight-8 kg in one month or up to 18 kg in two months on this diet.
This all without restrictions on what you eat for lunch or dinner.
There are few rules and there is a specific menu we will discuss later in this article.
Yes! The banana is a fruit rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The fiber in bananas prolongs satiety, leading people to eat less all naturally. The resistant starch fibers, when digested, produce substances that can increase the capacity of the body fat burning and also decrease the accumulation of it in the body.
A banana is far from being considered a high-calorie food. It can have between 60-180 calories depending on size. The banana gold is the calorie, about 125 calories. Other bananas and silver as the dwarf contains about 90 calories. Adding bananas to your diet is not only great for boosting energy but also prevents you from many stomach diseases and boosts your immunity.