You were looking for a synonym, as a result, you landed onto this page. The synonym:
- Consequently
- Subsequently
- Therefore
- Because of
- Correspondingly
- Proportionately
- Leading to
- Owing to
- Brought about by
- Causing / Caused by
- Effecting / Effected by
- in respect to
- Resultantly
- in that event
- Circumstantially
- As a consequent
- Properly
- Respectively
- Suitably
- Thus
- Urged to
- Conditioned by
- Stemming from
- Following
- Due To
- Ergo
- For This Reason
- Inevitably
- Naturally
- This is why
- Then
- In Vies of this
- On those grounds
- By doing so
- Wherefore
- In the end
- Against this
- In this background
- In this light
- in this manner
- in a row
- on this account
Because of my innocence, people like me.
Use in sentences.
I did not pay the bills, as a result, the department took action against me.
The inflation rates are too high, as a result of which, people are suffering.
You didn’t prepare for the test, resultantly, you failed.