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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
How powerful is God, and how He holds everything under his command and authority is unique to His majesty and Bounty. God’s attributes and unlimited virtues can’t be quantified, and they are ever-lasting -forever. To understand his power in this minutely small portion of the universe we live in, using our tiny but intelligent brain, we need to take the first step by observing the portion of it we understand. We are limited in our abilities to absorb and define all his qualities, but we can reach a fair conclusion by looking at the ideas we can fathom. With that being said, let’s move forward.
Start with the Universe. The vastness of Universe calls for the undeniable strength and power of God. He who created this universe in six days and holds the superiority and absolute ownership of each and everything that encompases the universes and beyond, must exist for us to exist. It is unintelligent to limit the creations of God to what we know unless otherwise obligated by God Himself.
Human brain is designed in a particular fashion and we have never changed for the known human history. Here, I am not going to dive into the useless theories of how and when life initiated because the topic of discussion is not a scientific discussion. The power of science is beyond imagination, but imagination itself is something that science cannot define. So, science is not an all-size-fit pajama to put on in each and every condition.
So, the existence of God, is a subject of understanding. Humans do have the ability of understanding from the environment. In the past, several things didn’t exist and no one was able to think about them. Slowly and gradually as a result of contributions of thousands of humans, we reached where we are today, at a point people will remember as history in the future.
God has hidden himself on purpose from us, to make us think and wish to grow closer to Him. He helped us cheat in this examination of finding the unseen by sending revelations and choosing prophets from among our ranks (of humanity). These great people lived a life of compassion, mercy, and a role model for people of their time and future. Billions of people follow them in one way or another, and we have seen that people follow charismatic personalities and the way they follow these religious figures gives in a spiritual manner untouched by lust, greed, and material. And were sent a message from God, we know by the name of Quran, Bible (ancient scriptures), Torah (ancient scriptures), and other Gospels (ancient scriptures).
However, we can reach God, by looking at the basic scheme of life first, if it is the only way one wants to choose. So, there is no conflict among people in the entire history of objecting the concept of the presence of God. The only problem was if who is the true God. And these conflicts were all created by men who followed devil, lust, power, and material things. So, they not only were misguided but slashed others off the track. In the upcoming paragraphs we will take a look at how we need to start observing this universe and everything around us, to reach the empirical evidence to the existence of God. Before going into this, I would highly recommend reading Quran which is a great book on spirituality and existence of God.
Creation: He created everything in this reality, known and unknown, visible and invisible, understandable and misunderstood, existing or yet in creation, destroyed or yet in destruction, writeable and unwriteable, including but not limited to universes, galaxies, atoms, matter, parallel universes, everything; he created our spirits and everything about us, even planned our whole life story.
Power: No one can scale His power; it’s impossible to do so. He created entire realities and realms; then, he had the power to create something infinite, unfathomable in its own right.
Knowledge: Knowledge itself is a creation of God. He created everything and knowing His creations is knowledge to amuse Humans alone. He is omniscient, omnipotent, all-knowing, all-merciful, all-loving, all-forgiving, all-seeing, and all-hearer; nothing can beat his knowledge of what he has created can quantify His qualities or write them down in eternity.
Presence: He is always there with His knowledge and the way He likes; he will never leave. His grip over the matters and existence is firm, with it being nothing in front of His mighty presence.
Finally, last but not slightest, kindness, loyalty and purity: His kindness is forever endless, eternal, and his love for you will never stop.
His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He chastises whom He pleases; and forgives whom He pleases and God has power over all things.
From the sailing ships in the water to deep in the ocean, gigantic fishes fed tons of food every day, the majesty and power of Almighty God encompasses everything. What is the origin of the water in these oceans? There is none; God created it out of nothing. Moving forwards, the depth of the sea that doesn’t even allow the light to penetrate further is under the stronghold of the Almighty.
When the ships sail and they navigate through it, the wind and thwarting waves are turned down by sailors; it is all due to the right bestowed upon men by almighty to utilize nature and its resources to the fullest.
When a bird flies in the air and keeps flying without dying, utilizing a slick design enabling it to break the wind, it calls for the majesty of the Almighty. When planes fly in the air, the mediums and laws of physics facilitate the flight. Only humans were given the option to either follow or turn down the laws of Almighty God which met their fiasco. No one else in nature turns down or goes against the will and law of Almighty God.
And we see all the planets revolving in their corrected paths. They do not collide with each other or cease to perform their assigned actions. They do not fall into or off their orbit, as is the case of stars, including the Sun. This all calls toward the oneness of God and claims His right of worship with no associations in power, sacredness, authority or attributes.
When we try to see around us, we see an ever-stretched sky and ever-expanding earth, and we see no imperfection. There could be imposed limitations on everything by the Almighty, as He has himself told. And when we look towards human anatomy, there are infinite blessings that embark on the absolute intelligence and power of the almighty encompassing everything that exists, will exist, or ceased to exist.
The anatomy of humans, and the perfect life in the form of humans, call toward the oneness of Almighty God and His power. The right of Almighty to which only Satan denies. The tasteful crops and the reaping trees in the jungles, the flying birds and small insects, the running streams and rain clouds, the growing cubs of lions and the reproducing horses, the observable nature and everything else all put meaning into the notion of Gods majesty.
However, there is no way we can conclude this topic, but at least it is better to say something to initiate the thought process than to do nothing. And the importance of religion in human life also entails its deep roots in recognizing and worshipping the greatness of Almighty God.