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Category others

Write for us Business

Write for us Business

This post is specially curated to help users willing to know about write for us business policies of HardHour. At HardHour we and our writers create high quality content in several areas of business, social, scientific, and psychological importance throughout…

Consequences of Shoplifting

Consequences of Shoplifting

Consequences of Shoplifting may change from state to state or country to country. In several cases the consequences might even stun you. Furthermore, technology in daily life has made it possible to easily and effectively catch shoplifters. Although shoplifting violations…

Pak-China Economic Relation, 2020 – An Overview

pak china economic relationship

Pakistan and China, the geographic neighbors, had maintained a diplomatic relationship since 1950 when Pakistan recognized the People’s Republic of China regime ( Since then, both countries have continued friendly, supportive relationships resulting in regular visits, several Memorandum of Understandings…