Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Hamza Bin Tariq

Hamza Bin Tariq

Hamza Bin Tariq is a Medical-Doctor from AMC  and President at IFMSA. He is a writer and social activist.

The Diabetes Disaster And Prevention

Diabetes Prevention

422 million, that is over 5 percent of the world population, suffers from diabetes. Whereas we expect these numbers to soar drastically in the coming years. Thus Diabetic Disorder is the next Big elephant in the room. Scientifically, Diabetes is…

Antibiotics Side Effects

Antibiotics Side Effects 1

Antibiotics as we know them, have become a commonly used drug in every household. It won’t be a stretch to state that all of us have used them multiple times in our lives. What we do not realize is that these…