Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Begging is an international concern flooding and sweeping nations. Mostly, beggars participating in sequential begging spend their money in purchasing food and drugs. They do not add any value to society and knowingly do not strive to elevate their life standard. Begging is an evil that elders inject and is swallowing the dignity and patience of beggars.
Begging is to ask someone for money, food, or any support as a charity. A beggar is a person who is unable to meet his/her basic human needs, including shelter and something to eat. A beggar is a person who earns 2-10 dollars daily. Begging nowadays has become an industry (mafia). Mostly, beggars are people who do not want to work and rely on charities purposely. It seems easy to them while enjoying their nights at their residence and investing days in begging.
Street begging is gradually becoming a profession for a dominant population living under the poverty line around the globe. In the majority of countries, notably the United States, the constitution supports and stands behind begging. It would sound alien, but the history supports the claim. The police launched a crackdown against beggars in California and banned pan-handling. The authorities reached out to the courts of law and got a supportive decree for banning the beggars and the act of begging. However, the courts rolled it back on the grounds of “free speech” constitutional articles.
There are three types of begging
Professional begging is a curse. Such beggars are even sometimes tutored; they cry in front of you and ask for money in the name of humanity/religion. They sing “songs” to seek attention. They even read the verses from the bible or Geeta and ask people to give them money in the name of God or Humanity. Most of them are healthy but pretend to be sick. They hide their body parts and pretend that they are handicap. These beggars are sometimes criminals, whereas other times, they engulf the rights of the working class living in poverty.
It is the worse form of begging because children are the future of our nation, and they ask on the streets for their living. Child beggars are the main focus of mafia. Mafia kidnaps the children, or their parents are part of the mafia, and then they train them. They burn their bodies with acids and cigarettes, so they may look more pitiful and get more money. These child beggars give cash daily to the mafia, and at the end of the day, they earn nothing but pennies. The mob works as a team, and they keep an eye on all the beggars. All the beggars have to report to the leaders at the end of the day. And just like any sophisticated profession, they follow the protocol of information and funds delivery. They have a proper hierarchy.
Begging due to circumstantial financial deprivation is rare. These are the beggars who have no choice but to begging to fulfill their needs. In good begging, some older adults are unable to work and widow. They humbly ask for money without giving people the sake of anyone and beg for money because of their needs.
India is a densely populated country with a huge percentage living under poverty. More than 220 Million people in India live under the line of poverty. As per Indian ministry there are 4,13,670 beggars roaming in the cities of India.
Around half a million (580,466) people are homeless in the united states of America. These people rely on food stamps and charity. A majority of these people are found guilty of crimes of various natures. In the united states, however, beggars are often referred to as panhandlers. State officials, business owners, and the public have tried to ban panhandling, but nothing worked to stop the panhandlers.
Around 20 Million people in Pakistan live under the line of poverty. Whereas, the number of beggars in Pakistan is quite low due to strong theological schooling infrastructure, and national NGO’s. There is no reliable data available about the number of beggars in Pakistan. In Pakistan, a minority of its population living under poverty indulges into the crime of begging. Most of the beggars are war-torn Afghans.
Asking for charity has now become a profession rather than a need. It is the most humiliating way of earning money. One has to have a very high level of tolerance and have no ego to tolerate abusive behavior. A mafia controls them all. They find it easy to beg rather than to earn.
The ratio of begging around the globe is multiplying at a rapid rate. Beggars find it very easy to earn money without work. People encounter beggars on green signals, footpaths, streets, etc. They move in the form of a group, and if a person gives money to one beggar, suddenly, all the group members gather and ask for money.
We can find beggars everywhere in the world. We mostly find beggars in the main urban cities and central areas. Additionally, they often disguise themselves as sellers and sell at higher rates justifying it with their poverty or difficulties in life.
Begging culture is not as simple as it seems like, now there is a whole mafia and series of crimes is also related to it.
According to the Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, 39,270 poor and neglected children have been facilitated by the Bureau in six years. No doubt, the professional beggars here in Pakistan are begging with their own choice, and they are the real culprits, but child beggars in the city are not choosers, and they beg involuntarily. According to the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) research in Pakistan, there are 1.2 million children on the streets on Pakistan’s major cities and urban centers.
Eight years
No education
Reason for begging:
poverty, jobless, skill-less
The number of siblings:
Mother’s occupation:
Father’s occupation:
Plans: Want to become a doctor
All the people carry dreams for them, but unfortunately, they are ignored and left on the streets to beg. None of the country can claim to be at the epitome of humanity if there exist any beggars, or people living under poverty line.
It is increasing day by day, and the mafia is exploiting the younger ones.
Youth is opting for begging as a profession and is often backed by a mafia. We have seen it on social media, GoFundMe, and other platforms where people are begging for money. Mafia has developed a systematic market or organizations by earning their percentages fixed with beggars, and now they have become giants of society. We have seen mass funding of people who wanted to win the title of youngest millionaires, and they asked people for help. Experts say that it is a new form of begging.
If the police arrest these beggars, they got bailed. The higher authorities, the courts of India, Pakistan, the United States, and others do not consider it as a crime, and they do not take any severe action against them. Children are the future of our society, and most beggars are under ten years. They are left uneducated and are forced to beg for their living.
Begging is a curse for society, and it has created a poor image of Pakistan all over the world. The mafia of begging is getting stronger day by day, and no one is taking notice of it, and even no one dares to stop them. Often the begging mafia is lead by the same drugs and illegal ammunition mafia.
We as a member of human society are equally responsible for the little ones on the streets. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the public and the government to introduce legislative reforms to put an end to panhandling.